Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Did You Buy Steroids Way Back When - Say, In The 70's?

You would be surprised at how many questions we get on what steroid use was like, way back when. How did you buy steroids in previous years? Either the 60's, 70's, or 80's, anabolic steroids have been used for a very long time.

One often wonders, "How did people buy anabolic steroids years ago? Did they take a simple walk into the drugstore, and pick the steroids from the shelf? Or was there a prescription needed back then, as it is today?"

Does anyone remember way back when and how anabolic steroids were purchased?

I do! You could walk right into the pharmacy with a prescription, hand it to the pharmacist and get your steroids. It was that easy.

However, as is is today, it's usually as easy and getting them from your friends in the gym. This isn't legal though, so be warned.

Did you have to have a medical reason to get prescription then? Sure you did! Most Doctor's would prescribe them to build your body mass, it's simple, mainly body builder's, just like today, who needed to build up their body mass were the ones prescribed steroids for the most part.

There weren't as many cases of AIDS back then, so obviously the use for steroids for that condition wasn't an issue in the 70's. Now days, AIDS patients benefit greatly from the use of anabolic steroids. Doctor's didn't understand all the effects of steroids back then. It was a common thing to write scripts for 10 - 20mg's a day for 2 months at a time, virtually unheard of these days!

Possessing a prescription of steroids or having steroids in previous years, wasn't a felony. That's a huge difference in the way it is today. Steroids are highly regulated now, and for good reason. There are many dangerous side effects to the use of steroids. Only buy steroids and use them while under a Doctor's care.

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